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Home values,

cosy convenience

Oxo, Premier Foods

Since the relaunch, Oxo have returned to number one in the flavouring and seasoning category with a 50% market share.

The challenge

Oxo, a well-established leader in the dry stock category, had struggled to achieve the same level of success in the wet stock market. Their obstacles were twofold: a lack of distinctive structural brand assets and a poor customer experience.

Our approach

Cooking, for many, is a passion and Oxo is a brand steeped in emotional heritage. Creating a visual link between these two 'loves' quickly became our focus, not only looking to develop the structural equity across pot and pack but place the consumer at the heart of Oxo's brand experience.

Structural branded packaging
Innovation and consumer experience
Sustainability and engineering

Oxo Stock Pot Chicken flavour next to curry dish
Someone holding a beef flavour Oxo Stock Pot above carton packaging placed on counter top

A rotund and hearty pot shape evoking the cosy feeling of home cooking - a perfect encapsulation of Oxo’s core family values.

The same 'pot belly' silhouette was integrated into the redesigned carton that now delivers a satisfying 'click-to-close' mechanism. Despite increasing the graphic canvas size each carton now uses 25% less card.

Red wine Oxo Stock Pot on a kitchen work top surrounded by pasta
Sketches of early concepts for new Oxo Stock Pot

New squeezy
pot concept

Original pot

Prototypes of new Oxo Stock Pot concept

The 'snap, crackle, pop' approach to new, conceptual IP and micro-engineered consumer convenience.

Decanting the stock proved a frustrating experience. The category leader had protected their IP, making a like-for-like solution impossible. We sought to tackle the problem head-on, delivering an intuitive concept ready for mass manufacture that places convenience at the heart of Oxo Stock Pots.

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